TRC team has assisted law firms or represented exporters directly in hundreds of anti-dumping investigations all over the world. Many of TRC team has served in government agencies conducting trade remedy investigations. TRC team provides support in antidumping investigations in following areas.
Accounting and Financial Support
TRC’s consultants are highly skilled in extracting the accounting and financial data from companies’ systems as required in complex questionnaires issued by the government authorities in anti-dumping investigations. Such data is normally not readily available in the sales and accounting systems of most companies. Our multilingual consultants directly work with the company staff to develop the methodologies to obtain the required calculations. We work closely with the company’s counsel and staff in virtually all aspects of an investigation, from formulation of initial response strategies and preparation of questionnaire responses and supplemental submissions through verification and the public hearing process.
Our services include;
Initial coordination of the response strategy such as setting up project teams within the company and reviewing of the company’s operations, production facility, data systems, etc.
Provide guidance to the company staff and management to meet the strict requirements in the questionnaires such as sales and production information, calculations and supporting documentation
Assist companies in developing verifiable and traceable methodologies to compute product specific cost of production figures
Perform the requested reconciliations of sales and cost data to the company's financial statements
Prepare company for the thorough audits of the government officials. In these audits which are called "verifications”, the authorities seek to establish the accuracy and the veracity of the information submitted. Our consultants participate in these verifications on the company’s behalf and present the supporting calculations and documentation used in the submissions
Provide dumping margin estimates to assist the company management assess their situation
Analysis of the preliminary and final findings of the authority and identify areas that should be challenged
Participating in public hearings to present company’s arguments in support or opposition of the findings
Defining and implementing price monitoring systems to mitigate clients' duties in future proceedings
Systems & Data Processing
TRC maintains a large in-house data processing capability to assist clients in the organization and synthesis of quantitative information. All members of the systems staff have extensive knowledge of SAS and SQL programming, ORACLE databases and strong educational backgrounds. The staff is particularly well versed in the organization, manipulation and analysis of large-scale databases. TRC's staff has experience with varied types of data and clients, having worked with numerous companies, industries, and national governments in the U.S., Turkey and around the world. Our data analysis capability enables us to rapidly evaluate multiple scenarios and variables to establish the best strategy. This is crucial in making accurate estimates when the data collection process is constantly continuing and there are many scenarios that should be considered. Our programmers use the SAS statistical analysis software for data analysis, which is the same software used by the U.S. Department of Commerce analysts in the antidumping investigations and reviews.